$10+ VALUE FOR $49.99
£99 - BUY FOR KONTAKTA powerful and iconic collection of handmade instruments,
designed by Svaram Musical Instruments & Research.
The 5Elements library features rare and incomparable sound recordings
of uniquely handcrafted instruments capturing the essence of ancient South India.
Created for KONTAKT and free KONTAKT PLAYER, 5Elements is an essential tool
for sound designers and film scorers, adding versatility to your music production,
for a deeply immersive experience.
A powerful and iconic collection of handmade instruments, designed by Svaram Musical Instruments & Research.
The 5Elements library features rare and incomparable sound recordings of uniquely handcrafted instruments capturing the essence of ancient South India.
Created for KONTAKT and free KONTAKT PLAYER, 5Elements is an essential tool for sound designers and film scorers, adding versatility to your music production, for a deeply immersive experience.
Keep The Winter Warm
5Elements instruments offer a meticulously-designed selection of sounds, taking your project or film score to an aspirational level.
Each instrument featured in the 5Elements collection has an underlying intention, with a world of textures and vibrant harmonics made available at your fingertips.
Change and innovate dramatically with presets, features, and atmospheric sounds that are vibrant and expressive for authentic results. Work seamlessly with our unique collection of binaural beats to switch intuitively between full-range and cosmic frequencies.
Follow your passion, and success will follow you
Easy to modify and blend independent instrument layers.
Add convolution reverbs and room simulations to enhance your sonic space.
Layer your project with field recordings and ambient sounds captured from across South India. The player noise adds movement in the room for a realistic atmosphere to these instruments.
Manipulate and tweak each blended layer with our available comp, EQ, stereo image, player noise and dynamic soundscape.
Add a drone layer of Binaural Beats, influenced by traditional drone sounds found in classical Indian music.
Ready-to-go presets created by our team of sound designers to add range and depth to any of your projects.
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EarthMoments has made an incomparable mark in the Global Music arena, with a team of professional sound designers, engineers and producers working to bring their vision of making untapped ethnic music available to all music producers across the globe. With 5Elements, each instrument has been handpicked from Svaram's Instrument collection and meticulously recorded at the EarthMoments Studios in Chennai, India.
5Elements was conceptualised to help empower musicians, producers and composers to seamlessly develop their ideas or add depth to their projects. Controls and functions have been refined for easy designing, while the interface is intuitive for you to map everything perfectly. Work swiftly with your NI Komplete Kontrol keyboard to bring your work to life in real time.
Kontakt / Komplete Instrument
Free KONTAKT PLAYER version 6.2 and higher, or KONTAKT version 6.2 and higher.
2 NKI - Concert Pitch; Original Pitch.
5.92 GB
Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT (Version 6.0.4 or higher)
Please also see the KONTAKT PLAYER system requirements and the KONTAKT PLAYER FAQ